The first few years of any child’s life are the most impressionable – their learning and experiences during these years stay with them forever. We aim to make these years the most valuable ones
Our courses enrich them with knowledge, creativity, discipline, confidence and most importantly a personality to rise and shine through all their endeavors. The language that connects us with our students is of love and passion – our trainings never fall short of these qualities! We aim to sow seeds for a bright future and a better society.

Aesthetic and creative expressions
Aesthetics involves the love and pursuit of beauty as found in art and music and movement, and creates opportunities for the creative expression of emotions and ideas. Children experiment with colors, lines, shapes, textures, dynamics, rhythm, pitch and tempo as they explore how to express themselves creatively through dramatizing and different art media and techniques.

Development of numeracy concepts involves helping children know and apply the concepts and drawing connections meaningfully in their daily experiences. These opportunities will help them in the development of skills and concepts such as matching, sorting, comparing, ordering, patterning, counting and number sense, basic shapes and space.

Language and literacy
Language is about listening and speaking within a system that has its own rules and conventions while literacy involves reading and writing in order to understand print and convey meaning using print. Children’s language and literacy development is facilitated as they interact with people and objects, they construct their own knowledge and use language and concrete representations such as drawing and writing to communicate what they have learnt.

Discovery of the world
Discovery of the world relates to children’s everyday experiences and involves children learning how to explore and interact with all aspects of their environment. These may include their homes, schools, families, neighborhoods, cultures, events and the wider world. Instead as expecting child to understand logical and scientific concepts, the emphasis is on allowing child to apply inquiry or process skills such as observation, prediction, investigation and drawing conclusions in their learning experience.

Social and emotional development
Children need to develop a positive sense of themselves in relation to their peers, family and community. Therefore, it is important to provide a supportive environment in which children feel secure about discovering who they are and expressing their feelings. When child develop self-awareness, they are able to identify their strengths and abilities.

Motor skill development
Children naturally love to move and play. The learning area Motor Skills Development seeks to develop children’s motor skills and knowledge of health and safety through participation in physical activity. These activities grow in confidence and self-esteem to fulfill the demands placed on them later in the life.
*as per the Ministry of Education Singapore guidelines